
I follow a blog called Post Secret. If you haven't heard of it, check it out. People from all over the world send this guy, Frank, their deepest secrets. They are all anonymous. He then publishes them, online and in books. Last week, there was a secret that said, "Sometimes you just need to tell the people you love that you love them." I am one of those people that has a hard time letting go. I don't have many friends, just a few close friends. I prefer it that way though. When I saw that secret, it really struck my heart. I have a few friends that I use to be close to but am not anymore.

I know that we all grow and change as we age. Some friends stick with us, and some friends fall by the wayside. That is just life. However, if there are people or friends that you let go because of arguments or petty disagreements, I encourage you to make it right if you can. Don't let time go by without letting people know that you care about them. It really hit me that if God can forgive us of everything we have done and will do in our lifetime, why can't we forgive others?

Two quotes have stuck with me the last couple of years..."Hurt People hurt people," and "holding on to bitterness is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die." We hurt others because we have been hurt. Most of the time, we can be sitting there stewing over words said and the other person is totally unaware that you are even upset. We think we are punishing them by being silent, but we are really hurting ourselves. Try to slow down and look at things from both sides. Why did they say the things they said, or do the things they did? Probably because they were hurt also.

If the person meant or means enough to you, don't let the sun go down on your anger. If there is someone out there that you miss and love, knock on that door. It might not be locked as tight as you think it is. They might be waiting too. Even if the door is locked, maybe you will at least get some healing for your own heart. Life is too short to continue on in anger and bitterness.

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