A Ship in the Harbor

A ship in harbor is safe - but that is not what ships are for.  ~John A. Shedd

Many great ideas have been lost because the people who had them could not stand being laughed at.  ~Author Unknown

What great thing would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?  ~Robert H. Schuller

My resolution for the New Year was to stop caring, or care less about what people think of me. I don't think I have done too well, but I am still trying. Obviously, it isn't something that you can just achieve overnight...I don't think.

There are lots of risks I would never dream of taking because they weren't fool proof, or because I was afraid of what people would think. I've always wanted to get a short haircut, super short. I've never done it though because I was afraid that it wouldn't look good and that people would make fun of me. I have an appointment on Friday though, and think I might just try it. I will never know  if I like it unless I actually try it! Much like many things in life. I never liked mushrooms and wouldn't eat them. Then, I moved in with Craig and Carolyn and couldn't say I didn't like mushrooms. So I ate them every time Carolyn put them in something. I now LOVE mushrooms! How silly. I might end up with a horrendous haircut, but I also might end up with a haircut I love! Even if it is horrible, it will grow back, right?

I know that there are many bigger risks in life. I watched a lot of Criminal minds when I was in Tennessee. I know better...LOL. But I love the show. After watching a few episodes, I started thinking that I was never going to put Elliot in his own room, or that I wouldn't let him have a room on another level of a house. I was too afraid of something happening and not being in control. I realize this is not fair to him though. It is much like building a ship and then keeping it tied up in a harbor so it doesn't get damaged. What a shame! As much as I would like to, I can't shelter Elliot from the whole world. I could try, but how many good things would he miss out on as well? I think it is just a mother's heart though, to want to protect your child from getting his feelings hurt.

What great things would you do if there was no risk? Better yet, what things do you want to do but don't because you are too afraid?

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